
Traci Braxton dies at age 50

 Today TMZ, celebrity gossip news team, along with other celebrity gossip platforms informed the world that are funny sassy and saved sister Traci Braxton, Braxton Family Values, passed away quietly at age 50, on March 11th, 2022 . Traci died from esophageal cancer. Tracie's husband Kevin Stewart informed TMZ that after a year of  privately undergoing a series of treatment, Kevin's beloved Traci has gone to Glory. We praise God that Traci was able to live out her dream as a recording artist, grooving us with her hit song "Last call" hitting  number 16 on the music charts  Traci showed all of us sassy and save sisters that prayers never die and God can give you the desire of your heart at any age she is and will be missed Lord we pray for her family in this painful time we pray for their unity in Jesus name Amen. 

The Journey of Black Americans: Why do we celebrate Juneteenth?

The Journey of the black community: Conversation 1 Juneteenth June 17th, 2021, President Joe Biden our 46th president mandated Juneteenth as a federal holiday.  If you are wonder why this Holiday is so significant to the black community, allow RNR to educate you. As most know In 1863, during the  American Civil War , Pres.  Abraham Lincoln  issued the  Emancipation Proclamation , which declared more than three million slaves living in the Confederate states to be free. Sadly two years would pass, before the news reached  African Americans  living in  Texas .  It was not until Union soldiers arrived in Galveston, Texas, on June 19, 1865, that the state’s Slaves finally learned that slavery had been abolished.  The Celebration began, and the birth of Juneteenth was named the Emancipation of slaves. Today black Americans celebrate this day as "The black Independence Day".  Honoring the day and celebrating the ending of slavery, a fight that African Male Slaves jeopardize and sac